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BMW O'Regan's

Boosting CSI Growth by 35%


Discover how this dealership successfully processes +1 000 monthly work orders.


O'Regan's BMW dealership faced challenges with customer satisfaction, leading to a lower CSI score. However, through the implementation of Kimoby, a powerful communication platform, the dealership experienced a remarkable transformation. This case study examines the impact of Kimoby on O'Regan's BMW dealership, resulting in a 35% increase in their CSI score and enhanced customer satisfaction.

This Dealer's Success


Improved Responsiveness and Efficiency

Kimoby's advanced features enabled instant and efficient communication with customers. Appointment reminders, service updates, and follow-ups were easily delivered, enhancing responsiveness and saving time for both customers and service advisors. The streamlined communication process significantly improved operational efficiency.

Enhanced Customer Engagement and Satisfaction

Through Kimoby, O'Regan's BMW revitalized customer engagement and satisfaction. Personalized messages, tailored to each customer's preferences and needs, created a sense of value and attentiveness. Customers appreciated the convenience of timely and relevant communication, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

Driving Profitability with Stronger Customer Relationships

Kimoby played a vital role in driving profitability for O'Regan's BMW dealership by strengthening customer relationships. Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty resulted in repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals. Satisfied customers became brand advocates, contributing to increased sales and revenue.

Impressive Results: 35% Increase in CSI Score

O'Regan's BMW dealership's collaboration with Kimoby yielded outstanding results. Within a span of 60 days, their CSI score soared from 68 to 92, representing a remarkable 35% increase. This significant improvement demonstrates the effectiveness of Kimoby in enhancing customer satisfaction and the dealership's commitment to providing exceptional experiences.

By leveraging the power of Kimoby, O'Regan's BMW dealership successfully addressed their customer satisfaction challenges and achieved a notable increase in their CSI score.
Kimoby's efficient communication tools and personalized messaging capabilities helped improve responsiveness, efficiency, and overall customer satisfaction. The impressive results not only boosted customer loyalty but also had a positive impact on the dealership's profitability.

O'Regan's BMW dealership's successful implementation of Kimoby serves as a testament to the platform's ability to drive customer satisfaction and business success.

The solution

Is your BDC suffering from sales atrophy?

Kimoby’s marketing campaign capabilities automate your BDC’s manual processes, help get more customers through the door—and stop service sales from tanking.

Happy customer receiving car keys back after a successful appointment at a car dealership

Switching to Stress-Free Mobile Payments to Do More With Less

Pfaff Porsche shines with Kimoby Pay's paperless, anti-fraud and automated mobile payments.

See the difference.
Then experience it.

Contact us today for a free, no-obligation assessment of your dealership’s current processes and how Kimoby’s two-way instant messaging can help.
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See the difference. Then experience it

Contact us today for a free, no-obligation assessment of your dealership’s current processes and how Kimoby’s two-way instant messaging can help.

See the difference. Then experience it

Contact us today for a free, no-obligation assessment of your dealership’s current processes and how Kimoby’s two-way instant messaging can help.